JSL Essentials
Want to buy JSL Essentials in the Netherlands? You can! We are the only official retailer of JSL in the Netherlands!
JSL Essentials uses only the best and purest essential oils, which have excellent properties and give our range a purely natural scent.
The products contain only 100% natural plant ingredients. There are no chemicals or artificial colors in the formulas.
JSL Essentials Haircare Taster Kit (TRAVEL SIZE)
JSL Essentials Lemongrass & Jasmine Clarifying Shampoo 250ml (FULL SIZE)
JSL Essentials Lemongrass & Jasmine Curl Defining Jelly 250ml (FULL SIZE)
JSL Essentials Lemongrass & Jasmine Volumising Curl Foam 200ml (FULL-SIZE)
JSL Essentials Lavender, Geranium & Ylang Ylang Leave-in Hair Cream 250ml (FULL-SIZE)
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JSL Essentials Lavender, Geranium & Rose Hair Refresh Spray 250ml (FULL-SIZE)
JSL Essentials Lavender, Geranium & Ylang Ylang Hair Oil 100ml (FULL SIZE)
JSL Essentials Lavender, Geranium & May Chang Soothing Shampoo 250ml (FULL-SIZE)
JSL Essentials Lavender, Geranium & May Chang Conditioner 250ml (FULL-SIZE)