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Itching, We regularly get questions about what you can do about that terrible itch!

How did this happen and how do we get rid of it!

First of all, I would like to tell you that there are different 'types' of itching.

You can have itching from, for example, build up, products on the scalp, dandruff, psoriasis, dry scalp or seborrheic eczema.
Let's explain a few first!

These are red spots with dry scales.

Seborrheic Eczema
You will also suffer from redness with fairly greasy flakes.

Are you suffering from one of these two? Then I would definitely contact your GP, they can help you better than we can.

Rose :
These are small white flakes. It is something that occurs with many people and is experienced as annoying.
To explain it briefly, dandruff is clumped skin cells. Your scalp cells renew themselves faster than 'normal' which is why these are created. This also activates the glands which will also have to do with a higher sebum production.
Unfortunately, stress and dry air can also promote dandruff.


– An anti-dandruff shampoo
– Try to scratch as little as possible, no matter how difficult it may be!
– Don't set the shower too hot, as this can dry out your scalp.
– You could let your hair air dry after washing/styling. Dandruff is caused by a yeast that loves that heat!

Dry scalp
In fact, your scalp simply lacks moisture. This also occurs more often in the winter because the temperature is lower, the heating is on inside and the air is therefore drier. This dries out your scalp.

– A pre-poo. Before you wash your hair, you can rub an oil into your scalp.
Some do this the night before they wash and others a few hours or half an hour before the washing ritual.
Just try what works for you!
– Don’t wash your hair too often. You remove your natural oil layer every time, which dries it out.
– Avoid heat; Don’t shower in a hot shower and you can also let your hair air dry instead of blow-drying it.

What is the difference between dandruff and dry scalp?

These two can sometimes be confused.
If you have a dry scalp, the flakes are often dry and white.
If you suffer from dandruff, they are often white/yellowish in color and greasy, and the flakes are also somewhat larger.
It is important to find out which of the two you are suffering from, because what helps with one does not help with the other.

Here are some other possible causes and tips:

When you pop your styling products, they end up on your scalp. You may find that you can't stand it and itchy. You can try leaving out the popping to see if it helps!

You may be suffering from build up. This can really cause the itching!
A good clarifying shampoo or maybe even a final wash might help!

In any case, it is not advisable to apply products to the scalp (except for products such as shampoo that are intended for this purpose)
Leave-in or gel, better not! This can cause itching!

You might not think of this right away, but lice could be the cause of that nasty itch! Get it checked out!

This can also help remove build up that can cause itching.

Could it be that you are having an allergic reaction to an ingredient?
If you have that idea you could have it checked. And not use this ingredient anymore.

This way you remove the dead skin cells from your scalp. Afterwards it always feels nice and clean again!

These are products you could try for an itchy scalp (links)